Quote of the Week

"A man to busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic to busy to take care of his tools."
-Spanish Proverb

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Runners Don't Get Lost, We Just Find New Trails

Today's run was adventurous. I decided to take a different path than the usual when at my sister's place. There are these mysterious trails in peoples' back yards that split into various directions. Bored with the usual routine, I decided to take a different path.
Mile one through two:
I was surrounded by a little stream and bright green trees. The area looked like a tropical scenery: very bright and beautiful with flowers of various colors. The only annoying part was the ugly mosquitoes.
Mile three through four:
I guess this is where you can say I got lost, in a way. The trail looked like it ended in a residential area that I did not recognize. I thought about turning back, but since I still had extra miles to kill, I kept running. Exploring these new running sites was entertaining, though I had to stop to ask for directions. Eventually, the paved path turned into a trail again that went under a tunnel, and once again I was in the tropics. This time I recognized the direction the trail was heading. It lead me down a small hill with a stairway of 100 steps that ended at my nephew's elementary school. This was so exciting! I have been looking for a good set of stairs to train on. Putting my i-pod aside, I ran the stairway nine times.
Boy was this exhausting,but I figured its never to early to train as if today was the day. To better explain, my goal is to become a firefighter, and if you didn't already know firefighters need the stamina to run up a flight of stairs with gear that weigh 75lbs. I didn't have the 75lbs on, and the stairs alone was a challenge. This was going to become a new part of my routine. I will run up these flight of stairs no matter how much my thigh's cry, they will become accustomed to this type of training.
There were times I wanted to stop running up and down those stairs but there is a quote by Anatole France that saysso the only way to get better is to keep practicing.  Then again there is my other favorite quote I like to repeat over and over again, " these steps are bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S," sometimes it reads, "this run is bananas...or this class is bananas..." you get the idea, right? Once I was done running up and down the flight of stairs I headed home.
Mile 5-6:
I thought I was done when I got home but I had something left on my agenda. My seven year old nephew and three year old niece wanted to run as well. Who can say no to that? How many times do you get to hear a young child ask to go on a run with their Tia? I took their request and ran up the road for my baby niece and continued the last two miles with my nephew.
Waiting at home for us was a yummy Spanish dish made by my sister. We all ate together as a close family does and after dinner I quickly bathed and hit the hay for a good three hour nap before my swing shift.
WOW. Today was a good day. :)

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