Quote of the Week

"A man to busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic to busy to take care of his tools."
-Spanish Proverb

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hiking w/ Friends

I have never been a big hicker, not because I disliked the idea but because the opportunity has never arrived. Being in Alaska however,hiking is a common thing to do and sooner or later I knew the opportunity would arrive.

Finally, today was the day to go hiking with my peers/co-workers from an EMT volunteer group. Let me say that after running those 15miles on Monday, hiking the Bird Ridge trail seemed way harder. My concious told me if I didn't keep up with my usual running routine I would of probably not made it  far on that trail. However, all the sweat, tripping over rocks, and exhaustion was worth the shot.

The view once we reached the the top (a top) was priceless. I had the opportunity to see a large body of water that tourist kill to see. Instead of joining my other two companions who wanted to hike alllllllll the way to the top, my partner and I decided to sit an enjoy the beautiful view. Something about the refelection of the sun and the tides was just so peacful. Not only did I get a great workout but I had the opportunity to appreciate the wonders of outdoor activities and wildlife with a group of people that had all the knowledge of outdoors; like what to do if you stumble across a bear DON'T RUN. I now see why people enjoy outdoors. The outdoors in Alaska with its summer weather is just perfect.

After our three hour hiking adventure my friends and I decided to hit subway. I was totally craving a six inch flat bread with tuna and avocado, oh yeah and bannana peppers and lots of spintch (i love spinach). WOW! That sandwich never tasted so good!

 So this is the exact view I got to see but since I do not have a camera or i-phone YET (I know sad day lol) I found this picture on-line. What a beauty!

Later in the evening:
Even though I enjoyed the hiking workout  with my friends, it  is always nice to give my self solotiary time by taking a run or going to the gym. I decided to do just that and after a short nap went to the guy. I spend the time biking for 20min. and running on the treadmil for 40 min. I feel that after a long week,  giving myself the time to enjoy outdoors or a long work out totally makes up for all the stressful times I would want to pull out my hair lol.

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