Quote of the Week

"A man to busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic to busy to take care of his tools."
-Spanish Proverb

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

To Kill Some Miles

To Kill Some Miles
"Some people take there anger out on family
Others take it out on friends
Then there are those that indulge in negative activities
But I take my anger out by killing some miles."
-Ideco F.

Today was one of those days where infinite thoughts kept popping up in my cerebrum, at the speed of light. Even though work was very calm I felt drained by all the future activities I had and still have left to do. I knew this called for a long run, a hobby that drifts my thoughts towards the ache in my legs and the beauty of trails. I decided to run on the Glenn Hwy from Eagle River to Muldoon which is approximately 15miles (there and back). I was excited for the first 5 miles then something in my tummy did not feel right. I knew the coffee I had drank earlier was beginning to hit me. Gosh!! The closet restroom was about 2 extra miles down. So I had two extra chooses to make, to run Da-two extra miles or 5miles back. Can you guess what I chose? I ran the extra 2 miles; I knew I would whine about the 7 miles back.

Okay, Seven miles back to Eagle River I could do it. Well...I kinda had no chose unless I decided to camp out on the highway. I remember leaving home upset but running back robbed my attention in hopes that I would make it back home, longing to sit in that comfy sofa, and having a drink of an ice cold orange juice.

Finally! Once I reached the car I felt relieved to be done and  great to have had put 15 miles in one day. So next time when your angry go for a run, you may be surprised at how many miles you can "kill" over anger. :)

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