Quote of the Week

"A man to busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic to busy to take care of his tools."
-Spanish Proverb

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Doing it All Over Agian

Quote of the Day:

He who fails to plan is planning to fail."
-Winston Chruchill

You know when you are working out for a about two weeks and you feel pumped and in shape. Then your schedule piles up with various tasks which you had already anticipated but failed to prepare? Yup! That was me last week. I started off well, doing my usual runs then I got of track for just a little and I let that one mistake, on that one day dictate the rest of my week. Kinda suXs because I can tell it is going to take this week to discipline myself mentally and physically to jump back on schedule. I dislike having to start of slow and work  my way up again but that is what you got to do sometimes. Hopefully this is a lesson learned so I do not make the same mistake again. Let me give you some advice that we all have heard, "it is better to  plan ahead then to try to do everything at once and better to take a day or two off from running then getting burned out."

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