Quote of the Week

"A man to busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic to busy to take care of his tools."
-Spanish Proverb

Friday, August 17, 2012

Just The Right Timing

Verse of the day:
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own[so focus on achieving the goals for that day]. 
-Matthew 6:23

I always tell myself that everyday/life is a learning process in itself and trying to make the best of every decision I am confronted with is my goal.

After about two months with a different working schedule I have been struggling to find a good routine that allows me to work, workout, study, and find time to fellowship with others. Let me say this hasen't been easy at all but I finally feel comfterable with my weirded out schedule. I figured since it takes me a while to actully come "alive" in the mornings even when my eyes are alert of my sourroundings,but my body seems to be glued to the bed. So my new routine  actually includes getting up when the alarm rings and pulling myself with my blanket to the living room were the sofa is to watch some Joyce Meyer or Country Top Hits. After about 10minutes my brain starts to work. After those ten minutes passes am ready to start the day. However, I find it really hard to not start of the day with coffee and a little reading of the Word and whatever novel I am readying at the time. I can't remember who said this once but someone has said that, " if you know you have to do something do it, even when your feelings tell you otherwise because most likely your brain is smarter than your emotions." This has been what I've been reminding myself every-time I get off of work and debate between going to the gym or going home and taking a BIG nap. Sometimes you just got to do what you got to do or as better said by Nike, " Just do it!"

One thing I am thankful for is that I have awesome co-workers and managers. This totally makes the day better and worth the time, well other than the fact that bills have to be paid lol.

My advice for the day, month, or even year is to set your priorities straight. This might sound cheese but grab a pice of paper and pen go on over to Starbucks (okay it doesn't have to be Starbucks lol but a quit place) and wright down the things you most value. Then write them in order of importance and try to work them into your schedule. You might have to do this a couple of times as you start to realize that somethings just don't fit well. This is what I call the Real World, when you have to sometimes sacrifice somethings for others or just have patience while being persistent to accomplish many goals. The last thing I can say is to pray above all. No one can do things alone but our heavenly Father can give us the strength and confidence to make it through those "not so good" days. :)

K, I'll write later have to go to work

Monday, August 6, 2012

Fighting+Faith+Friends= Fun Day

Quote of the day:
1 Timothy 6:12
 "Fight the good fight of faith."

I always tell people that running is my favorite hobby but boxing is my favorite sport. Today was the first day in about a year and 1/2 since I had the opportunity to hit those bags. Let me tell you that, it felt great. No easy thing training for two hours but doing it again and having coach consitantily nagging besides me kinda reminded me of the earlier years when I initially grew to love boxing in Las Vegas.

Why I love boxing? For many reasons. I love the adrenalin rush you get from hitting the mitts or "expecting the unexpected [punches]." But I always tell people that when I hear that bell ring it's like hearing the firefighting sirens, I get super excited and focus. The sport is not only a challenge in its-self but its a very tactical sport that takes practice, patience, persistence.

My favorite part of the day was inviting two other individuals to share the rush of boxing with me. I met the first individual from a campus group called core (i believe) who go out to different campuses and share the gospel with various individuals. I owed this kid (okay his older than me but I like the term kid) after having the courage to take the time to encourage a stranger after a really hard day and pray for me. I truly believe God puts certain people in your life at perfect timing. So I thank this person for that. The other individual was a friend of his from the same group. They both enjoyed boxing so it was totally worth the time, even after being lost and making a big loop to find this place lol.

Yes boxing is my favorite sport but I can't abandon running. I feel like running is the core of all sports just as having faith is the core value of my walk with God. Overall, today was a good day... even when I have to fight through those hectic days.